Challenge instructions for Chapter 04: Structuring Page Content

For this challenge you’ll be planning and implementing a semantic structuring strategy for the entire site based on the work we completed in the chapter. In the steps below I’ll list the tasks you need to perform, as well as the relevant files for each task.

1.	Determine a structuring strategy.
             a.	Applies to: structure.htm
             b.	Open the structure.htm file and explore the page structure and ARIA roles. Write out the document outline, and how structural tags like aside, article, nav, and section are being used.
             c.	Examine how semantic tags like the header, footer, and main elements are used.

2.	Structure pages
             a.	Applies to: all pages
             b.	Using the strategy devised from the structure.htm file, structure each of the remaining files so that the site uses a consistent, logical structure.

3.	Apply ARIA roles
             a.	Applies to: all pages
             b.	As you are structuring pages, add ARIA roles to elements when appropriate. 
When you're finished, open up the same files from the "finished_files" directory and compare your results to the finished files. Make sure they match and that the structure is consistent throughout.